Monday, October 5, 2015

Gender differences

In the article, The Art Diaries by Gina Wenger, she mentions that a teacher specifically said that the journals

"Especially in the work of girls, the diaries are often very developed and personalized. Sometimes this quality in the diaries is accompanied by excellent artwork, but sometimes it is not."

Wenger goes on to say "the diaries turn out best when teachers emphasize their value. 'When teachers work closely with students on their diaries,' Wenger noticed, 'the books end up being very developed and multi-dimensional.'"

So I asked the teacher about differences that he had noticed and this is what he said, "Boys and girls are about the same but writing styles are different. Boys are more to write direct towards what is needed.  Girls tend to go on with the areas, more than what is needed."

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 15 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Wind chimes

Vocabulary quiz. Continued working on clay pieces from sketches in their journal. See fish, leaves, keys, and hearts as motifs.

Period 4 / Pre-IB / Perspective

Studied for vocabulary quiz from journal. Noticed this class the majority have spiral notebooks to write in and then transfer to journal. Continued working on 2 point perspective boxes in class. 10/8 assignment is to do homework on 2 point perspective shapes with cutouts.

Period 5 / Photography I & II, AP, IB / Project 2

Vocabulary quiz. Continued to work on photos, projects with journals out to record findings.

I asked teacher if he found students to be intimated by the blank pages of the journal and he said yes at the beginning of journaling the students are overwhelmed and need encouragement. This is why he walks around and looks at their journals and projects on a daily basis. He is very much hands on. He keeps a coffee pot brewing all day long and refills his cup every so often. I think this is a secret for all his energy, lol. When grading students come up to his desk with journal and project. The teacher looks for the parts that he requires, heading, date & page numbers, vocabulary words, sketches, requirements of the project, and research. He will write in their journal if they are missing something to remind them later to include these parts or refine. The grade for the project is written in their journal, his hard copy grade book, and the computer grade book.

Day 14 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Wind chimes

Need to bring in newspaper. Clay pieces must be built by Friday. Make sure the holes are large enough, clay shrinks. Sketchbook drawings should be done! Have book open to look at while making your pieces. Only advanced students cut clay. Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Make sure vocabulary words are written in your journal, worth 10 points.

Period 4 / Pre-IB / Two point perspective

Build 10 boxes using 2 point perspective. Do two cutaways in the boxes. Work on in class.

Period 5 / Photography I & II, AP, IB

Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Project 2 - 3 images work on and have your journal out and open.

Day 13 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Wind chimes

Go over dates of when assignments are due. Vocabulary needs to be written in the exam book for 10 points by tomorrow. Look them up on Edmodo.

Vocabulary words: absorption, blistering, casting, dunting etch, extrude, grog, silica, sprig, viscosity, axiom, caveat, flout, straitlaced, vapid, sedulous, reverberate, infer

 The pieces for the wind chime should be completely built by Friday. Make sure initials are written in clay pieces. Use your sketches in journal to refer to when building your pieces.

Period 4 / Pre-IB / Perspective

Go over the due dates on the white board. Vocabulary is up on Edmodo make sure to write in journal.
9/28 One point perspective - 3 boxes in sketchbook. Horizon line. Bird's eye view is from above. Worm's eye view is from below. Placement matters on what you can see. 10 stacked boxes in sketchbook work on in class.

Period 5 / Photography 1 & 2, IB, AP

Vocabulary written in exam book for 10 points. Same vocabulary, Principles & Elements of Art as Pre-IB.

Vocabulary words: Elements of Art, principles of art, unity, contrast, proportion, emphasis, rhythm, variety, balance, value, color, texture, space, form, shape, line, visceral, subverted, ambiguous, assemblage

Photography students 3 photos due on Thursday. Write in your journal about the different EV contrast. Did you crop the photo, use curves, or depth of field. Have your journals open while working in photoshop. Write down the effects that you use on the photos.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 12 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Clay Wind Chimes

Look on Edmodo at the Research Workbook Outline Information. Look and make sure you have everything on the checklist. Be neat and clean. Have 3 or more thumbnail sketches and give me your thoughts about the thumbnails. Have your vocabulary requirements. Did you look at any artwork? Explain what you saw and did it influence you in any way. Any research you do write down and in complete sentences. Requirements: each piece must be 4 - 6 inches, must have a center piece, 6 - 8 pieces, carve or add clay to your design, cannot be flat must be dimensional.

Period 4 / Pre-IB / Value composition drawing

The examination book in 12 grade, 60% of the exam is on the research book. Rubric is different for SL (standard level) and HL (higher level). 9/10th grade is taught on the different mediums.

Research, annotate in the notebook, cite. If you go to look up make sure you cite it. Look at the proportion perspectively. What did you see? Perspective, angles, the way that you see, direction. Research to gain knowledge. Your opinion is important. End of year we will have an architectural project, we will draw a house and then make it out of foam board. It was during the renaissance that the sciences were studied. Math became important which brought about the study of perspective. Write about your observations, talk about composition, movement and placement. Write in complete sentences.

Period 5 / Photography I & II, AP, IB / Discussion - Research book

  • Project image information for each of the 3 photos. What did you do to the work and why you chose to do what you did?
  • Did you look at any artwork that applies to your subject, idea, etc.
  • Cite your artwork.
  • Overall notes from project such as photoshop notes, techniques, discussions.
  • Reflection on what you did and how it turned out. 
Article on Douglas Eng's photography from the Florida Times, "Beauty Where We Live". Photography showcases city's creeks which is a change from city scapes. 
What is modern art? When did it start? It is the artist's interpretation that defines what modern art is. Cave art seen with a candle showed the animals moving because of the flickering light. This can be termed modern.

Day 11 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Sketchbooks - Clay Projects

Must have vocabulary words written in journal. Will be grading sketches for clay chimes and wire sculpture. Make sure heading on every page, date, and page numbers. Questions please ask me. Saw a journal with a jean pocket on the front decoupaged with her photographs. She does the same every year but decorates differently yearly. So far she has three journals. Teacher is looking for structure for each page. Explain your research.

Period 4 / Pre-IB / Value drawing composition - due!

Complete composition and turn in on my desk. Remember to blend.
Vocabulary words get off of Edmodo.

Period 5 / Photography I & II, AP, IB

Reteach. Make sure your research book is nice and neat. Look on Edmodo for the requirements for your journal. Write your thoughts. Retool, rethink, reexamine. Write about your artwork. What did you do to your work? Project requirements gives you your rubric of what is expected in your project. In your research explore different artists. Does their work influence your work? Does your research explore different art techniques? Did you incorporate these techniques into your artwork? Did you explore a website? Be sure to cite this website in your journal. Research over and above to learn about what you are doing. Gain knowledge.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 10 in the Classroom

Period 3 / 3-D / Demo on Clay Prep

Roll out on newspaper about 1/4 of an inch thick. Throw wads of clay to get the bubbles out, otherwise in the kiln it will explode not only ruin your project but other students as well. Make sure you have drawn out your sketches in your journal to go by for once the clay dries you can't change your design. When clay becomes cold it is drying out. Bring in newspaper.

Period 4 / Pre-IB, 9th / Value Drawing

On Edmodo the vocabulary words are posted. 9/25 - still life due. Next week one point perspective on Monday & Tuesday. 9/30 - vocabulary quiz. Homework - perspective drawing. Blend your lines in your value drawing. Put another piece of paper down so you don't smudge. Think about the composition, placement of objects and the movement.

Period 5 / Photography I & II, AP, IB

Stop, look & listen. 9/30 - vocabulary words. 10/1 - Project 2 - 3 images with research. EV setting. 10/6 - Project 3 - 40+ images on scenes. Friday class discussion on article.

Observed journals being graded with their project, which was photographs. A student had put a colored bird behind typography. She also had a dragon blowing the type blurb. Teacher wants the photos to be small and more written annotation. When looking at artist what did you gain? How did the artist influence you?

Wondering if white space in the journals is actually intimidating to the student. Like wandering in a snowstorm lost for expression (typography). Notice the younger and newer students are more hesitant than the older and more experienced students. The students have the option to record in spiral bound notebooks and then neatly add to their journal. This is method is the preferred method for those that are new to journaling.

Teacher's white board and the dates of assignments. It is the first thing that he goes over after attendance. He constantly reminds students about due date and what should be in their journals.